
Bringing harmony to a changing world with Truth and LOVE. :-)

On Step at a Time, pt.2 February 13, 2013

imagesGrowth and healing happen one step at a time.  This is not to say there can not be “spurts” and “break throughs”, yet those are usually preceded by a period of dormancy or even recession or decay.  So its either gradual steps, or dormancy/decay then burst/break through, which in actuality are “steps”.

Usually though, its one step at a time.  A seed is planted, then it sprouts, then leaves and upward growth.  Eventually flowers make their appearance, which are pollenated, and thus can create fruit.  While some plants will produce in a couple seasons time, most of these dying after one production or harvest season, other plants take 3 to 5 years to produce their first fruits, sometimes taking 7 to 10 years for their full potential to be reached.  Some of the best tasting and most nutritious fall into this category.

We must apply this same process and concept to life and its experiences.  The more effective, positive, and longest lasting changes, experiences, and healing will sometimes take long periods, even years, to bring about, and even more patience and perseverance to see the full benefits, potential, and lessons (possibly a whole lifetime).  This is why we must remain in FAITH and TRUST that everything is working out for the greatest good, and take life one step at a time.

When I had my soul retrieval and akashic records clearing done in October 2011, the healer saw a vision of an acorn planted, then growing into a mighty oak tree.  I understood the metaphor at the time, yet did not conceptualize the phases of growth (time elapsed) from acorn to mighty tree.  For an Oak to be considered to be considered “adult” it takes 15 to 20 years or more.  At an average of 2 feet of growth per year, that means about 40 years or more to reach the size of “mighty” tree the healer saw in her vision (full grown oaks are between 60-100 feet).

Thank goodness that humans have the potential to grow so much faster.  Yet, at this time, I am still a “sapling”, working on establishing deep roots, building trunk strength, growing upward and outward.  It will be a little longer before the first birds sing on my branches.  A bit longer before squirrels climb me to play.  A bit longer before I produce my first acorns.  Yet, I will eventually be that Mighty Oak.  I will enjoy each pahse of grwoth, each step on the path of healing, being present, being at peace with being the best me I can be.


10-10 Stargate (T- 9 days) October 1, 2012

On this most auspicious occasion of Light,
a stargate of Light is opening through the dimensions of Light,
through this quadrant of the galaxy,
and through this Solar system and onto Earth,
basking all Life in the Divine Illumination of the Tenth Ray of Divinity,
the perfect balance of Power, Love and Wisdom,
also known as the three-fold flame of Divinity.

Though this Divine Dispensation and sacred Pearlescent three-fold flame,
all Life has the opportunity of transformation, through balance and equilibrium,
as this tenth ray of Divinity unlocks the Akashic Records,
and allows the knowledge of Humanity’s Highest Potential through the Hall of Records to be revealed.

In this Divine activity of Light,
twelve etheric crystal skulls and a thirteenth holographic crystal skull holding all these frequencies of Light,
will be activated within and around this earth plane,
allowing access to the Akashic Records,
And with this, the Highest Potential of all Light workers on this earth plane,
taking you into the memories of Self Mastery,
primarily from Lemuria, Atlantis and ancient Egypt,
and in this Now, bringing through these Ascended Master gifts,
through the imprinting at a deeper level of the I AM Presence,
and these etheric crystal skulls of Light.